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Cruising Through Chaos

How to get rid of the snakes in your head in five days.

No more living in chaos.

Let me show you how it works in 5 days ...

Course Summary

Ready to decisively deal with the chaos in your life and move to a place of permanent peace? 

Are you tired of “overwhelm?”  

Do you sense you can and should be in a better, more positive, mental, emotional, and spiritual place?

Cruising Through Chaos is a quick workshop designed to help you achieve the most basic of all goals - peace. It’s hard to quantify, but you know when you’re restless, and you know where you need to be. And you can accomplish this in five days.

Here's your cost.


  • General unease 
  • Apprehension about the future 
  • Concern for your family, friends, and other loved ones 
  • Feeling powerless in the face of challenges 
  • Wanting to keep the news at arm’s distance 
  • Wondering if the world will ever be a better, safer place 
  • Scrolling through social media and feeling your blood pressure rise 
  • Feeling isolated, misunderstood, and alone 

Imagine if...

  • You had the tools to identify where your pain points are 
  • You were able to passionately confront and call out your fears 
  • You knew what “baby steps” to take to move you from your place of personal chaos to a place of lasting peace and security 
  • You were able to achieve this in five days 

It’s a workshop. (That sounds a lot less “schoolish” than a “course,” but that’s what it actually is.)

It’s a self-paced journey. It’s designed for a five-day sprint, although you could take longer (or shorter).

It’s an incremental, step-by-step process consisting of video encouragement, a workbook, journaling tools, and progress mileposts along the way.

The workshop is divided into an introduction and five modules:


This module is designed to help you confront the reality of your situation and the condition of your mind and heart.


This is about “authenticity” - understanding the real you. Or, maybe, “the you nobody knows.” Is this confrontational? Well, yeah. But we can’t skirt around this one.


Now that we’ve identified where you are, what are the first steps you need to take to achieve the peace you yearn for? This module will prep you for what’s to come.


“Fear not,” or a variation on that thought, is found 365 times in the Bible. Coincidence? I think not. Fear is the crippler. It may just be the biggest chaos causer in our lives. The Bible speaks plainly to that.


And now, in one intensive, detailed, point-by-point strategy, I’ll share with you a bulletproof system of how to decisively deal with the chaos in your life, and teach you the skills you’ll need to make cruising through chaos a reality in your life - forever.

Course Curriculum

I don’t know what your learning style is, but the workbook will unpack the concepts offered in the videos in a question and answer format. It puts a lot more meat on the bones of each lesson. It’s fun, too. And even if workbooks aren’t your gig, you WILL need it for that last module, or else you’ll just spin your wheels and stay right where you are currently. If you’ve read this far, I’ll just bet that’s not where you want to stay.

Do you believe this will help you?

Of course you do. 

Tony Martin

I’d like to identify myself as a pilgrim, a sojourner, and an encourager. 

Professionally, my day job is serving as associate editor of a large Christian newsjournal (that BA in journalism finally paid off.) My background is in youth ministry – I’ve dealt with teenagers professionally for 40+ years. I’ve also written tons of faith-based curriculum.

I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, but doggone if I don’t have some of those tendencies. I have a popular blog at  was selected As One of the Top 100 Life Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2019 (, and also Selected As One of the Top 30 Christian Men Blogs to Watch in 2019. Additionally, I’m certified as a coachspeaker, and trainer with the John Maxwell Team. I’m a travel agent specializing in Disney. And I’m a part-time professional magician.

My real credentials, though, are found HERE

Frequently Asked Questions

That term, self-help, just doesn’t explain what I want to see in you. There are a couple of gazillion self-help programs out there on every topic imaginable. I’m not knocking them … I’ve been a fan of folks like Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Michael Hyatt, and scores of others like them. What makes this different, methinks, is that it is grounded heavily in scripture, and the principles I share will bear that out. But if it motivates you, that is a good thing.

It’s not intended to be. I’d like to think the principles I share are universal. But, if you want to onboard with me, you do need to understand the context I’m coming from. I won’t apologize or back down from that. I’m not trying to “proselyte.” I’m an absolute truth kind of guy - truth, by definition, is not relative. I intend to bombard you with truth as revealed in scripture, but in a very applicable, meaningful way.

You know I’d offer a resounding “YES” to that question. Here’s why: we are all products of decisions we’ve made, and often we make a decision in the space of 30 seconds that can totally alter the trajectory of our lives. By that same token, we can take steps right now that will do the same thing. Understand this - if you embrace the principles I share, and follow them to the bone, you will absolutely see change in five days. My disclaimer? Personal growth is a process. You’ll be hammering on that all the days of your life. My goal is to plant that seed, watch it germinate, and then see that little green plant peek its head above the soil. Water and fertilizer are your responsibility then, but the growth has already begun.

Glad you asked. You won’t like my answer, but you still gotta love me. If I don’t provide you with the proper tools and teach you the proper skill set, then I’ve failed. If I don’t give you the best I have, which has been prayed over and fretted over, then I’ve blown it. But if I give you the best I have and you don’t take advantage of it - say you work one or two lessons and bail, or slough through the workbook and journaling, I’m not the one who failed. It’s going to come down to the “D” word - discipline. My sense is that anyone can manage five days. That’s the reason I wanted to put those constraints on it. It’s not supposed to be a quick fix, but I did want you to see results quickly. I’m not beating up on you. I totally get it. If you blow it, just take a break and start over. Like Zig said, “Failure is an event, not a person.”

Well, you should. I think there’s some potential for some small group study here. Iron sharpens iron, y’know, and that extra layer of accountability sure wouldn’t hurt.

On my end, there were development costs, hosting costs, and all sorts of other intangibles. I want this to be more than an expensive hobby for me! There also is some significant sweat equity involved in putting this thing together. I'd like to make some profit. I’m just being frank. Finally, there is seldom, if ever, something for nothing. It’s often said “you get what you pay for.” I wanted for you to have more than you paid for. I priced it so you can just grab it and go. You’re welcome! 

Because of the digital nature of this resource, and knowing that the entire workshop can be completed in a day, I don't offer a refund at this price point. Thanks for understanding!

This might be like sharing too much on a first date. Feel free to keep scrolling. You won't hurt my feelings. 

In June of 2018 I suffered a nasty concussion.
At first it wasn’t too big of a deal – my eye swelled shut, I had stitches, but it all seemed pretty routine. CT scans and x-rays showed no head or brain damage, but I did have three broken ribs.
About a week after the injury, I started getting headaches on the opposite side of my head from the impact site. Overnight I developed a sensitivity to light and sound. There were some cognitive issues – it’s like my brain was shrouded in fog. Worst of all was the deepest, darkest emotional funk you can imagine. Anxiety, depression, and what I characterized as “a sense of impending doom” became realities. It was/is perfectly awful. After another round of scans and x-rays, my internist – whom I love much – told me I had post-concussion syndrome.

No, I’d never heard of it either. All my symptoms were textbook. The cure? Time. I was to be patient. It would “take time.” (I’ve heard that “take time” phrase so many times that I’m afraid the next time I hear it I’m gonna punch someone in the throat.) He also put me on a killer combo of depression/anxiety meds. Apparently PCS victims are prone to suicidal thoughts. Praise God that hasn’t been an issue.

Since then, I’ve been to a chiropractor, I’ve tried acupuncture (which was actually pretty fun, but it didn’t really help), and talked to a counselor. All well and good. I’ve also been to a neurologist, and that’s been very encouraging. I’d had a migraine headache 24/7 – that was taking its toll – but again, she’s tinkered and experimented with several drugs and danged if the headache is only maybe 8/7. It’s not constant, and when it comes it hits with a vengeance, but it’s so much more manageable.

This incident – which has come in many ways to define my life – comes on the heels of the darndest year ever. Our house flooded and had to basically be gutted; we were displaced for seven months. I had surgery for two benign parathyroid tumors that were messing with my head. I was diagnosed with cancer – renal cell carcinoma. The upside of that one was that the doc went in, got the tumor and a piece of kidney, and I was good to go with no chemo or radiation or any of those nasty things. And our beloved ancient Boston terrier, Teddy, went to doggie heaven.

Why am I sharing all this?

Simple. My story is your story.

We all deal with challenges, do we not? Life is full of joy and heartache in equal measure. Everyone faces something.  

Many people respond to life with despair, or at least a sense of hopelessness.
Well, I am here to stand before you and declare that hopelessness is not an option.  
I’ve applied these life experiences to this workshop.  

I am here to tell you that what I have for you is FIRE.

So who is this workshop for?

Moms, who are doing their darndest to be all they need to be to care for their families, but are facing overwhelm and simply need a break.

Dads, who feel that they are responsible for their families in so many ways and roles and want to be the secure anchor they need to be.

Students who are just flat-out scared of what the future might look like.

That friend of yours who looks to you for stability, encouragement, and simple companionship.

Older adults, who are prone to say “I never thought I’d see the day … “ and, by golly, are seeing the days they never dreamed would be upon them.

People who worry because they worry (I know that’s not true of you, but I thought I’d throw that one in there because there are folks like that - I’m not judgin’, I’m just sayin’.)


Grab the digital workshop material here.


Check your inbox for your login information. Check your spam filter if you don’t see it (email, right?)


Follow the 5-day lesson framework to get you going fast.


Receive hope, Experience peace.

Imagine where you could be five days from now. 

You have a secure inner peace that assures you of something grand: “It’s going to be okay. It always will be.” 

You’ll have a newfound confidence knowing that whatever life throws your way, you have the strategy and tactics to prevail.

You’ll have a better sense of knowing God is sovereign and in control of even the little things.  And you can be an encouragement to the many, many others who are in the same place as you.  

These are challenging days.
Everywhere I turn, I see folks who simply aren’t doing well.
And they’re floundering around in quiet desperation.
Maybe you aren’t that deep into chaos yet.
As I said earlier, though, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t hungry for some answers, direction, hope, and peace.
You want a permanent lifechange and not just a spiritual bandaid.
So, for you, I offer Cruising Through Chaos: How to Get Rid of the Snakes in Your Head in Five Days.

Join the workshop. Work the plan.
Life - changed.

Choose your own price.


My caveat? I won’t leave it at this price for long. Maybe a couple of weeks. And I won’t offer it forever, because I have other workshops in the chute, plus life coaching opportunities.  And (shhhh!) - Cruising Through Chaos will open the opportunity to participate in other courses I’m offering and are ready to go right now. I’m just not ready to make them available to everyone yet.  

Be blessed.  

Course Pricing